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Creating an unconventional elevator pitch, TikTok style!

What is the Stitch Pitch Challenge?

Stitch Pitch is a virtual TikTok challenge with the aim of spreading entrepreneurial spirit to youth and building upon the already present entrepreneurial skills of students across the country.

TikTok, the new medium for many small businesses and youth, provides a unique platform for entrepreneurial opportunities. By combining entrepreneurial instinct, problem-solving, and creativity, they are to create a 30-60 second video explaining the problem they are tackling, their unique solution, and the impact of their idea.

What’s at stake?

The following awards will be issued:

1st Place - $750

2nd Place - $500

3rd Place - $250

Eligibility: Who can compete?

  • Anyone! Whether your a high school or college student, if you’re interested in entrepreneurship and business, have pitched before, or just want to try your hand at idea creation and pitching, Stitch Pitch is for you!

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Important Dates

Submissions open
Monday, March 15, 2021

Submissions close
Thursday, April 15, 2021 @ 11:59 PM

Application available HERE

Winners announced
Monday, May 3, 2021

1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place winners will be announced.

What will it look like?

First, participants will submit their pitch by our deadline on April 15th @ 11:59 PM. Students will be required to submit their pitch, which requires the following:

Stitch Pitch

  • 30-60 second-long TikTok

    • Elevator pitch of a business you want to create

  • Main components of a Stitch Pitch

    • Problem - What’s the issue? Describe it.

    • Solution - What’s your solution? How are you going to fix it?

    • Impact - How will you help others and affect lives or communities?

  • You MUST use the following hashtags with your TikTok




How will pitches be judged?

The pitches will be judged by members of the business industry and individuals involved in entrepreneurship based on the following criteria:

  • Social Impact: Participants should explain the impact their solution can have on their community. It should be clear what improvements they hope to see if their idea was put into practice.

  • Feasibility: Students should propose a solution that can actually be implemented in the real world. Their idea should be logical and feasible.

  • Originality/Creativity: Students should show propose creative solutions that have not been implemented in the past. Creative elements, ideas, video techniques, and solutions should be present.

  • Consideration of the Problem: Students should have thoroughly considered the complexities of the problem they are trying to address. It should be clear they have researched and fully understand the problem.

  • Engagement: How engaging is their talk? The student should keep you, as a viewer, engaged and interested throughout the video. They should have a compelling hook that makes you want to learn more.

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 Special thanks to our partner!

Youth at Berwyn